General information
Access to WebArchitect
To access WebArchitect use the link in the browser (Google Chrome, Edge or Firefox).
Recommended browser is Chrome.
Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.
WebArchitect supports single-sign-on for Fujitsu internal users or for Partners login with a Fujitsu Partner account or email address.
The login window to WebArchitect is provided by the following link:
For single-sing-on use the following link can be used
For Partner users the WebArchitect login window offers to reset the password or prolongation of the password. This can be used by the Partner if he faces issues with the current password.
If you have no account for login you can get public access to WebArchitect.
With the public access you can select an available public product database (see drop-down on the selected User group).
User’s group memberships are defined depending on the information about the user account in the active directory of Fujitsu. The user is classified as internal or external and the country is filled based on his AD account. The appropriate product and price database is automatically assigned if it is available for the country.
WebArchitect start page
On the WebArchitect start page you can select a product either from the Product selection tree (left side) or from the Product selection system assistant (right side).
In the default layout the left column contains the following frames:
Product selection tree
Configuration overview
Description & Hints
In the default layout the right column contains the following frames:
System assistant
Search results
Service assistant
The objects used in the WebArchitect are shown by different icons. This allows the user to see what object-related context functions are relevant for the component in question, even without the component name.
Object-specific icons
Icon for a configuration:
The similar icon is used for resource conflicts:
Icon for a group:
Icon for floorstand systems. Red color means integrity error ("Integrity Errors" tab in the Validator must be observed):
Icon for racks. Red color means integrity error ("Integrity Errors" tab in the Validator must be observed):
For rack modules and built-in components of a rack. Red color means integrity error ("Integrity Errors" tab in the Validator must be observed):
Icon for packages:
Icon for solutions:
Icon for built-in components. Red color means integrity error ("Integrity Errors" tab in the Validator must be observed):
Icon for options:
Icon for add-on products. Red color means integrity error ("Integrity Errors" tab in the Validator must be observed):
Status information icons
In the 2nd level, the previously described icons are overlaid with the following icons in accordance with their object status, creating a mixed icon of object type and status.
This is a global component or the configuration has been flagged as a global configuration:
The object is being phased out. It can only be supplied for as long as stocks last:
The object or one of its subcomponents have inconsistencies with the database. In this case, the "Integrity Errors" tab in the Validator must be observed:
The object was no longer found in general in the database or no longer found in the original context:
There is the following status information for two objects only: 1) The carrier for upgrade components itself can no longer be supplied 2) Warning for irresolvable resource deficits (see the check icons)
Cables and Connectors icons
Black color means connector is unconnected, grey color – connector is connected to another connector, red color – integrity error ("Integrity Errors" tab in the Validator must be observed)
Icons for sockets:
Icons for plugs:
Icons for sockets of connecting cables:
Icons for plugs of connecting cables:
Icons for cables:
Icons for connecting cables:
Other icons
Icons for power connectors that are connected to the house network as part of power cabling. The color and the number indicate the assigned phase:
Icon for other errors identified in the check function:
Icon for a partition:
Top menu
Top menu allows to quickly access the main pages of WebArchitect: My Configurations, New, Import.
My Configurations: Opens the saved configurations of a user.
New: Opens the WebArchitect to create a new configuration.
Import: Opens the page for import and converting configurations.
Icon is used for quick import. Please see details here.
Simple search
Simple search WebArchitect allows to select products/systems available in the product country database and adds them to the configuration.
Start typing in a name of a system or the product number in this field to get a list of matching items from a product database. Click on an item from this list to add it to the configuration.
If you get many hits in your search you get “See all and detailed results” offered.
Click on this link to get the full list of matching systems – after the click the simple search is closed, and the Search results are shown in a separate frame:
Click on the plus icon to add a system to the configuration.
Whenever a search did not return any hits, Advanced Search option offers in the dropdown:
My Configurations
Click on “My Configurations” to get to the page with the list of all configurations you have created and saved with WebArchitect or configurations which are shared with you.
All configurations created by user are shown in “My personal configurations” share. This specific share cannot be deleted or be shared with other users. Configurations of this share are personal configurations of user.
This page contains all previously saved configurations and some basic information about them:
Creation date
Last modified date
Status - no conflicts/under work
You can manage column width by dragging a border. Also, it’s possible to change order of columns. To reset settings to default value use gear icon:
For Database, Status columns you can choose necessary value from drop down list.
For Create Date and Last Modified Date it’s possible to choose some date or period.
Configuration Name column contains input field for searching by full or part name.
Click on a context menu for a configuration to see the list of offered actions. You can perform the following actions for a saved personal configuration:
Show configuration details | |
Open configuration for editing | |
Delete configuration | |
Dowload configuration file(s). The following file formats are available: Salesforce XML (order file/quote Salesforce), ask file (SAP order process), Excel file, Json file (WebArchitect file format) | |
Clone/Copy configuration into the same Share | |
Send Email with attached configuration | |
Rename configuration | |
Share and labels. Share configuration with other users or add a Label |
To open a configuration for editing/configuring, single click on the title or the edit icon.
To rename a configuration, make a mouse over on the title and the Rename icon appears:
Click on the rename icon and edit the title:
Click anywhere outside the edit field to finish renaming.
You can choose and perform actions for more than one configuration. Use the checkboxes to select the configurations you want and click on a corresponding icon on the left icon bar (Action panel):
You can share configurations with other users. Typically, a Share is the common storage for a team of users working on configurations together. Examples are:
teams working on projects and sharing their repository of configurations
users who provide others with template configurations
users who build configurations for shopping baskets/frame contracts for usage of others (customers)
To create a Share click on “new share” icon on the Action panel:
“Create share” window opens. WebArchitect offers to fill share details:
Follow these steps to create a share:
Set the Name of a share
Set the Description of a share.
If user has shares with the same name, then description can help to distinguish them.
Set the Color of a share.
It will be used in My configuration page, label area and in the configuration grid.
Select the Administrators of a share. Search for user’s Name/Surname or type email.
Administrators are WebArchitect users who have extended permissions.
User who created share is admin automatically
It is possible to add more administrators. Any WA account can be assigned as administrator of a share
Share must have at least one administrator
Select the Users with write permissions of a share. Search for user’s Name/Surname or type email.
Users with write permissions are WebArchitect users or Partners who have access to the share.
Any WA account can be assigned as a user with write permissions of a share
Partner’s email can be added and assigned as user of a share
Users of a share can edit configurations in a share
Select the Read-only users of a share. Search for user’s Name/Surname or type email.
Users with write permissions are WebArchitect users or Partners who have access to the share.
Any WA account can be assigned as a read-only user of a share
Partner’s email can be added and assigned as user of a share
Members of a share have read only permissions. It means that users of a share can’t edit configurations in a share. The share works as a template selection for the users.
Click on Save button.
The share is shown in “Shares” area under “My personal configurations”. There are several actions you can do with the share depending on your permission level.
If you are Administrator of a share:
Details. Administrators of a share can edit the share details and add or remove users. Users with no admin rights on the share can view the share details. | |
Add labels | |
Leave the share. If user is a single Administrator of a share, then Leave the share isn’t offered. If there are at least one or more valid Administrator, then Leave the share is offered. | |
Delete a Share |
If you are a user of a share:
Details. A user can only view the share details. | |
Add labels (not available for users with readonly access to a share) | |
Leave the share |
Add configurations to the Share
If you are Administrator of a share or you have write permissions in a share, then you can add configuration to the share. Added configurations will be visible for all members of a share.
There are several ways to share your personal configuration:
Drag and Drop.
In My Configuration page drag configuration and drop it to the Share:
“Share and Labels management” window.
This window can be called in the following cases:
1st case. In My Configuration page select configuration(-s) and click on “Share and labels” button in Action panel:
2nd case. In My Configuration page click on context menu for configuration, then click on “Share and Labels” option:
3rd case. In My Configuration page click on context menu for configuration, then click on “Details” option. In “Details” window click on “Share and labels” tab.
4th case. Open saved configuration or create new configuration and click “Save as” in Action panel:
Now “Share and labels management” window opens. Selected configuration(s) are shown in this window. To add configuration(s) into the share click on the checkbox with the name of a share or select a label that is assigned to the share:
Search field is added in “Share and labels management” window. So users can search for Share/Labels directly from this window.
Search field is presented in the following views:
My configurations page -> select configuration -> Share and labels
My configurations page -> select configuration -> Action panel -> Share and labels
My configurations page -> select configuration -> Details -> Share and labels
Configuration overview -> select configuration -> Share and labels
Configuration overview -> select configuration -> Details -> Share and labels
Configuration page -> Action Panel -> Save -> Save As
Also, a toolbar with New share / Reset view / Expand or collapse functions – the same as in the My configurations page was added. As well as burgerbutton (Context menu) for each element of share/labels tree works the same as in My Configurations.
You can create a personal label on My Configurations page and then assign them to configurations for grouping and filtering purposes. All users can assign labels to personal configurations. If you are Administrator of a share or you have write permissions in a share, then you can assign labels to the shares.
To create new label, click on context menu of “My personal configurations” or the Share, then click on “add labels” option:
Fill the name for the Label and click “Ok” button to confirm the creation of sublabel.
New label appears in the list of labels.
Click on a context menu for a Label to see options:
Click on “add sublabel” option to create another label as a child to selected one.
Fill the name for the sublabel and click “Ok” button to confirm the creation of sublabel.
Now you can find it under the parent label in a label tree:
You can create as many branches in a label tree as you want, and expand/collapse its branches with “expand/collapse” button in Action panel.
You can move the label to a different place in a label tree using “Move to” option in a label context menu:
Click on a label in a tree to define a new parent for a label. Moving a label to a root is also possible.
There are several ways to assign the label to a configuration:
Drag and Drop.
In My Configuration page drag configuration and drop it to the Share:
“Share and labels management” window.
This window can be called in the cases described in 2.6.2 chapter.
“Share and labels management” window opens. Selected configuration(s) are shown in this window. To assign label(s) to the configuration(s) click on the checkbox with the name of a Label:
Now the label is assigned to a configuration. To filter a list of configurations by a label, click on a label in a tree, then only the configurations with the selected label assigned are shown on the table:
To clear the filter by a label and see all saved configurations again, click on “Reset“button in Action panel.
Numerous labels can be assigned to one configuration, and they are listed separated with a comma. If you have assigned many labels to a configuration, mouse over the label column content of a configuration to see the whole list:
To search for a Label or Share by name, start typing it’s name in “Search” field, then the list of labels and shares gets reduced to the items that fit:
Automatically saved configurations
WebArchitect saves configurations automatically in specific cases (e.g. internet connection breaks during configuration, closing browser window accidentally). Those configurations are available under “Automatically saved configurations” tab on My Configurations page.
The autosaved configurations are kept for 96 hours and are then automatically deleted.
If a configuration has a newer autosaved version, you will see the special mark on it on the Saved configurations tab:
You can perform the following actions for each automatically saved configuration:
Show configuration details | |
Edit saved configuration | |
Delete configuration |
Import and Convert Configurations
There are two ways to import or convert configurations.
1. Using drag&drop icon on top menu
Drag&drop a file from your PC to icon. You will see an information message on the top right corner:
When the import is finished then the configuration is opened and a information message is shown with the result.
You can also import a file from an email by Drag&drop
2. Another way is to open ‘Import’/’Convert’ page from top menu (Convert is only visible if this is selected in the users settings):
Import/Convert page opens. Two areas for drag&drop are presented:
Note: The function Convert Configuration(s) is presented only if “Converting tools” are enabled in the User settings. See Export.
The following file formats are supported for import:
WebArchitect configuration file (*.json / *.fjwa)
SystemArchitect configuration file (*.sar)
The following file format is supported for convert
WebArchitect configuration file (*.json / *.fjwa)
There are 2 way to add file(s): by Drag&drop or by opening file dialog (single click anywhere on the appropriate function)
Click on the button Upload to start the import of the file(s).
If the upload is successful the configuration is shown in list of Saved configurations
To convert file(s) add all of them via drag&drop or dialog and press Convert button.
There are two options available: convert to ‘Orderfile ASK’ and ‘Excel’ format. Click on one of them to start the conversion.
Click “Download” to save the converted files.
Easy transfer of saved configuration: Download, Email
Easy transfer of saved configuration: Download, Email
It is possible to export configurations in different formats –Sales Force Quote file, WebArchitect sorted Quote file, SAP Orderfile ASK, Excel and WebArchitect FJWA. Or to download all formats simultaneously.
Download menu is available via configuration Context menu.
Or it is possible to select necessary configuration/configurations and click on Download icon at Action Panel.
If clicking on the “Multiple file formats” option, the “Select format for downloading” window appears.
If All formats option was selected for one configuration - the downloading process for selected configuration in selected file formats is started. If several configurations were selected, then all the downloaded files (regardless how many formats were selected) will be in one archive, sorted inside by configuration name.
It is also possible to send an email with attached configuration directly from WebArchitect by clicking on the Email icon.
Fill in the recipient’s email address in field To/CC/Bcc. When you start typing, system will suggest you the matching emails from the Active Directory (only for Fujitsu internal users):
Click on email address to select it.
You can change the text in text field as you want, and mark the format types of the current configuration that you want to sent with checkboxes. Click Send to send the email.
There is a separate case for Excel file while export and sending e-mail Excel:
If configuration user group and user selected group are not the same, and configuration group is assigned to the user, then the warning message is shown:
If Yes is selected, then configuration group is selected automatically in the User settings, the configuration group is used.
If NO is selected, then user selected group is used.
If configuration user group and user selected group are not the same, and configuration group is not assigned to the user, then show the warning message:
If Yes is selected, then user selected group is used.
The language used by WebArchitect is defined by the language specified in the user’s browser settings. The Language bar can be found on the right top corner.
Note: not all languages are supported. Only the languages you can select in the settings are supported in WebArchitect.
My Settings
In My settings you can optimize settings for email, price columns, excel export, electrical parameters and filter settings.
To open the settings, click on your user name on the top right corner of the screen and select “My settings” in dropdown list:
User Info
In the tab “User Info” you can see your login details and group to which you belong. Also the assigned product and price databases are shown.
Multi database access
In the field Group you can switch between product databases.
Note: Product databases are automatically assigned based on the user active directory country assignment. If you need access to additional product databases please contact WebArchitect Support for assignment.
Manage Groups
You can manage which of the databases will be available in the drop-down menu of the field ‘Group’. To add some more databases there you can click on the ‘Manage Groups’ button – Manage groups page will be opened. You should mark the database groups which you are need to work with and press ‘Save’. Or you can deselect the database groups which you don’t need anymore.
New list of the database groups will be available in the drop-down menu since you press ‘Save’ on the Manage groups page.
In the Notifications tab you can deactivate or activate the showing of dialog windows for automatically added components.
If you don’t want to see the dialogs during adding a systems into a configuration, you should unmark the first option and press ‘Save’.
If you don’t want to see the dialogs during saving configuration, you should unmark the second option and press ‘Save’.
All automatically added components will be added into a configuration without any notification. To start to see the notifications again you should mark the flags to notifications and ‘Save’.
E-mail options
In the tab “Email options”, you can add emails recipients you mainly use, and they will be prefilled as recipients in field “To”, “CC”, “BCC” in the “Email” window.
Price and columns settings
In the tab price and column settings you can select the price(s) you want to show in the different frames.
In the tab Excel export you can choose settings for the export.
Here you can also switch on and off the Converting Tools for “Import&Convert configurations” page.
Electric Parameters
In the tab Electric Parameters you can choose basic settings for power values.
Filter settings
In the tab Filter settings you can choose settings for selecting products based on country or global product.
On the tab Services you can switch on/off the filter for Service kind (TOP-Up Service or Support pack). If the filter for Service kind is disabled you do get the default services offered for the products as defined for the country.
User options (Deputy)
In the User Options tab you can add a deputy of yours by typing in to the ‘Enter email address of deputy’ field an email address of the WebArchitect user and press ‘Add’ button, then save.
Deputy can be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon next to deputy’s email.
For this deputy ‘Login as (you)’ function will be available with the next time, when he opens ‘User Options’ tab.
‘Logged in as’ deputy can switch to his own account by click on the ‘Revert’ button, which is placed next to delegate's name:
What’s New
In the What’s new window you can see the list of Releases for WebArchitect and the main changes. Page opens in a separate window and can be reduced or increased in size. Use buttons Expand all/Collapse all to see or hide the information about a certain release.